3rd District Supervisor Report
Aug 2021 Update

Proponents of the referendum to Save our Water, Wildlife, and Way of Life turned in almost twice as many signatures as needed to qualify. The Elections office is verifying the signatures but the assumption is that there will be enough signatures to either have a vote on the new cannabis ordinance or have the Supervisors repeal the ordinance. If it goes to a ballot, it might not be voted on until June of 2022. Until then, the ordinance would be on hold. The County needs to work diligently to ensure that those already in the system have been properly processed so that they can get their state annual licenses.
As the drought task force, Supervisor McGourty and I have been working constantly on the water issues in the County. We met with the State Water Board and Senator Feinstein’s staff to get state and federal help. With the critical situation on the coast, the most likely scenario is trucking water from Ukiah to Fort Bragg and Mendocino.

Measure B Oversight Committee Jed Diamond has served as the 3rd District Representative since the committee was formed. Jed has been a stellar advocate for mental health services and a passionate, level-headed person. He is ready to step away. The successes are a Crisis Residential Treatment facility that is almost complete, a mental health training facility, several programs such as mobile outreach, community education, and aftercare are in place. If you are interested in being on this committee, please contact me.

Redistricting happens every ten years. The Board decided to go with the citizen advisory board approach which will require a half dozen meetings. The goal is to create maps that reflect the five supervisorial districts based on the census information, areas of common interests, and public input. The 3rd District needs a representative.

With the Delta Variant leading to a new surge in the County, masks, social distancing, and caution are returning. A needless loss of life is a tragic event. We all love the social and community events (such as the Quilt Show happening in Laytonville on Aug. 28-29) and the best way to make sure they continue is to be careful, get vaccinated, and do your part to maintain a healthy County.

You can always contact me at haschakj@mendocinocounty.org or 707-972-4214.
