3rd District Supervisor Update
October, 2020
As the Covid-19 positive cases passes 1,000 for Mendocino County, I wish you all the best of health in these turbulent times. It is time to do your civic duty and make sure you have filled out the census for your household and vote.
This week, I submitted an agenda item requesting CalFire present to the BOS and community in November their plans for vegetation management and greater safety for our communities before the next fire season. CalFire’s work last year on the Firco and Schow Roads north of Willits was crucial during the Oak Fire. Their work is greatly appreciated and I look forward to learning of the critical works they have planned.
Another item I co-sponsored involves the Sheriff’s request for additional funds for the Sheriff’s department. My request is that we look at the data and trends that justify additional resources. While I am supportive of his request, the budget was just passed in June and additional funding has to come from somewhere. Certainly the 3rd District could use more law enforcement. The goal is that with more information it will be evident that the Sheriff’s request is needed. See more about public safety below regarding the Public Safety Advisory Board.
The last item I sponsored is an updated ban on the sale of flavored tobacco and vaping devices to align with the State’s definition of tobacco. This is an issue of importance to our schools and public health. Many people have strongly advocated for this health issue since Mendocino County has much higher than average rates for teenage use of tobacco and vaping products.
Wishing you all the best and feel free to contact me at haschakj@mendocinocounty.org or 707-972-4214.
Stay well,